Eat Your Way to Glowing Skin

Eat Your Way to Glowing Skin

While putting on a fantastic face cream or smoothing a hair serum works wonders, but for beauty that’s more than skin deep eating fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals is the answer. There’s a direct connect to the condition of your skin to the kind of foods you eat. Skin is our largest organ and what you put in your mouth, shows up on your skin.

Foods that hurt your skin

If your diet has too much of salt, sugar or alcohol, you skin will look patchy, dry, puffy and old.These tend to constrict the blood vessels which in turn impact the cellular structure of the skin.

Excess sugar in your diet can actually break down the elastin and collagen structure of your skin, leading to fine line and wrinkles.

A that bag chips or extra sprinkling of salt on your salad might be tickle the taste buds, but they do something nasty to the skin – puffiness under the skin.

Deep fried foods can aggravate excess sebum production in your skin. The equation in this case is simple: deep fried food can raise the acidity levels in your gut, which in turn hurts the good bacteria in there leading toxicity. Your body is unable to flush out the toxins leading to excess sebum production and acne breakout.

Coffee is an excellent pick me up, but restrict it to two cups a day. Excess coffee dehydrates your skin like no other. Alcohol is its other partner. Both are great at pulling out water from your body leaving the skin cells dehydrated. Skin looks dry and is prone to early aging.

Foods that restore radiance to your skin

Eating right is very important for your overall health, and when you fill yourself up with the right kind of fruits and vegetables it shows up on your skin. For great skin and hair, you must remember to add the following food essentials including proteins, essential fatty acids (EFA), vitamins A,B,C,D,E, copper, zinc, selenium, iron, folic acid, and most important of all water. Eat foods that have high water content, it naturally provides the skin cells with the necessary moisture, which gives the top layer of your skin the right hydration.

Foods that cure skin woes

Worry: Dehydrated skin that feels taut even after external moisturisation.

Cause: Moisture imbalance in the skin cells.

Beauty food: Cucumber, watermelon, aloe vera juice

How it cures: These water rich foodshave a thirst quenching and anti-inflammatory properties which provide the skin cells with hydration. Cucumber is a rich source of vitamin B, and is 95% water and rehydrates the body. On the other hand watermelon has 92% water content and is a rich source of lycopene. Both vitamin B and lycopene are important actives for sustaining healthy skin cells.

Worry: Dry, flaky skin

Cause: No emollient on the skin, lack of natural sebum

Beauty food: Tea spoon of olive or coconut oil, handful of almonds and walnuts

How it cures: We need essential fatty acids like Omega 3 and Omega 6 to ensure our skin cells are plump, and body produces natural sebum which forms a protective layer over skin. A handful of walnuts and almonds provide your body with vitamin E, an essential antioxidant that protects the ski from free radicals as well.

Worry: Fine lines that starts as soon as you hit the 30s

Cause: Natural aging process, loss of collagen under the skin

Beauty food: Red grapes, strawberries, pomegranates

How it cures: These three red fruits are rich sources of vitamin A, antioxidants and AHA which all help in slowing down collagen degeneration, fighting cell damaging free radicals, and faster skin cell renewal.

Worry: Patchy skin due to excessive sun exposure

Cause: uneven melanin production, lack of vitamin C in the body

Beauty foods: Amla( Indian gooseberry), tomatoes, kiwi fruits, dark chocolate

How it cures: Amla is one of the most stable sources of vitamin C which is important for balancing out melanin production and has skin lightening properties.Kiwi is also rich in vitamin C and helps fight wrinkles caused by sun damage. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an important antioxidant that prevent cellular damage from free radicals. Both tomatoes and amla help in preventing photo damage to the skin caused by sun exposure.

Worry: Acne breakout

Cause: Stress, overactive oil glands, toxin build-up in the body

Beauty food: Chirata, Ginger root, neem, apple cider vinegar, pumpkin seeds

How it cures: Both chirata or Indian gentian, and ginger root help in removing toxins from the body. Soak chirata sticks in water overnight and drink it in the morning daily to detox your body. Neem is a natural antiseptic that prevents bacterial infection on the skin. A teaspoon or two of neem leaf juice might be bitter but very beneficial for clearing out blemishes. Dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and sip through the day – it has a good amount of probiotics that detoxify the body. Add a dash of toasted pumpkin seeds to your salad to get your dose of zinc which helps in drying out pruritic acne.


Get the best Consultant  from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.
Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001


You probably already know the three surest ways to ensure the youthful skin: Protect your skin from the sun, eat a healthy diet and don’t smoke. In addition, a variety of vitamins and antioxidants may also improve the health and quality of your skin.

Antioxidants are nutrients and enzymes that fight free radical damage, boost immunity, delay skin aging and protect against sun damage. It almost works as an internal sunscreen for your body. Antioxidants slow down and prevent the effect of free radicals that start oxidation that can lead to cell dysfunction . If you’ve seen a peeled banana turn brown, you’ve seen oxidation in action.

Antioxidants are found in many foods, including fruits and vegetables. They are also available as dietary supplements. Incorporating the right antioxidants into your diet (rosemary, tomato paste (lycopene), grape seed extract, pomegranate, soy, green tea, pomegranates, coffee berries, grape seeds, olives, mushrooms and more) and skin care routine can delay your aging process dramatically.

There are a variety of topical skin care antioxidants in the market. Skin gets the most benefit when several antioxidants are applied together, much the same way that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is healthier than eating only blueberries or only broccoli. Treat your skin to a variety of potent, stable, and well-researched antioxidants.


Some of the most important antioxidants for your skin are:

Vitamins C and E and Selenium
• Coenzyme Q10
• Retinoic Acid
• Flavonoids (Green Tea and Chocolate)


Let me list out some of the major benefits of antioxidants:

It can reverse Sun damage:
Too much sun can dry out your skin and damage the cells. Sun damage can make skin appear rough and wrinkly. Antioxidants stimulate blood flow in the skin and helps in the growth of new cells. This repairs sun-damaged skin and makes it appear younger.

Tones up your skin:
Antioxidants can reverse and delay the aging process by rejuvenating skin cells and improving skin health. Coenzyme Q-10 is a common skin-firming antioxidant that plays a very important role in toning up the skin.

Antioxidants work really well for sensitive skin to calm down inflammation. Antioxidants, such as alpha lipoic acid and others found in green tea, pine bark produce valuable anti-inflammatory results by increasing cell metabolism and circulation. Reducing inflammation promotes more even tone skin and helps keep acne and wrinkles at bay.

Helps with wrinkles:
Most antioxidants are great for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, but vitamin C and E are especially beneficial. Although it is nearly impossible to make wrinkles disappear, skin care products with antioxidants can help plump out the skin and make it appear more youthful.

Reduces the appearance of scars:
The cell structure of a scar tissue is different than that of a healthy skin. Many types of antioxidants, including those found in aloe and an onion extract called allium, increase the blood flow to scar tissue that minimize the appearance of the scar and helps blend with the new skin.


Get the best Consultant  from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.
Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001

Dermal Fillers treatment bangalore : Dr Chytra V Anand

Dermal filler, is a product that is injected under the skin, to smooth out the wrinkles and deep lines of the face or to re-hydrate and rejuvenate hands, lips, and other areas of the body. Deep lines and wrinkle can be due to age, hormones or UV damage caused by the sun. Fillers re-hydrate and firm the injected areas.

Let’s bust the myths associated with dermal fillers:

Myth#1: Safe ?

Lots of patients come to me and ask if it is safe to undergo a filler procedure ? Yes, it is.

Fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in our body. It is biosynthetically produced without the use of animal substances. If the hyaluronic acid is non-animal derived, it theoretically has lesser chance of causing an allergic reaction.  However, it is not recommended for individuals with a history of multiple or anaphylactic allergic reactions or for pregnant or breastfeeding women and people under 18 years of age.

Myth#2: Multiple Treatments?

Patients are apprehensive about requiring multiple treatments and results not being permanent

Although noticeable results can be achieved after a single procedure, the hyaluronic acid will eventually be absorbed into the body, just as the naturally occurring substance will. Results from treatment can last as long as a year. Depending upon the severity of the issue for individual patients, additional treatments may be required for optimum results over an extended period.

Myth# 3:  Side Effects?

Doctors and medicines are infamous for side effects. But in this case no.

No major side effects have been recorded among patients using cosmetic filler. The most common immediate after effects of a  treatment may include swelling or soreness of the affected area, redness or other mild discoloration, a slight stinging sensation or itching or light bruising, all of which should only last for 1 to 7 days. If any of these symptoms persist, patients are advised to contact their physician. After the procedure, patients should avoid exposing the treated area to extreme hot or cold temperatures. Allergic reactions and post-procedure infection are extremely rare.

Myth# 4: No Emoticons ?

Patients are concerned whether fillers will freeze their expressions like Botox.

Botox and facial fillers are two separate treatments. Botox relaxes the facial muscles to prevent them from making the skin wrinkle and fold. Facial fillers restore lost volume without inhibiting the patient’s facial muscles.

Myth# 5 :  Wrinkles….Only then fillers?

No. Fillers can be used to accentuate your facial features as well. It is true that fillers revolumise the face, fill in wrinkles and smooth out fine lines but there are many benefits from facial fillers. Facial fillers can also restore a crisp, defined jawline , and as well as accentuate the cheekbone region. Hyaluronic acid within the facial fillers stimulates the production of collagen in your skin which keeps the skin youthful, voluminous and supple.

Myth# 6: No pain no gain ?

Fillers are administered through tiny facial injections with very thin needles

Although the actual injections can be a little uncomfortable, the discomfort can be mitigated by a topical anesthetic. Apart from the pricking sensation of the needle, patients should experience little or no discomfort from the procedure.  After treatment, you can continue about your normal, everyday activities.

Myth# 7: Need Professionals?

Yes …..You need to do fillers with qualified practitioners

Although injecting filler is a non-invasive treatment, it is still considered a medical procedure. A qualified and experienced Dermatologist can help you determine which facial injections and what injectable filler treatments are right for you. Therefore it is strongly advised that patients only receive treatment from qualified and experienced Dermatologists.



Get the best Consultant  from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.



Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001

Summer heat

3 skin issues due to summer heat

The temperature is rising, which means, we’re showing a lot more skin.We all love summer. It’s time to soak up the sun, stay outdoors, and spend time on the beach. What we don’t love, though, are the skin problems that arise due to warm weather and spending time outdoors.
In this blog, I would like to cover three main skin issues my patients most commonly face during the summer season.
  • Sun burns
  • PMLE
  • Miliaria
If you stay in the sun for too long without any protection, you may get sunburn. Sunburn is the skin’s response to extreme ultraviolet (UV) exposure and indicates severe damage. The body protects itself from this harmful radiation by accelerating the production of melanin, the dark pigment that gives skin its normal color. Unfortunately, melanin can only protect the body from a certain amount of UV light. Eventually, if someone is continually exposed to it, UV radiation will cause their skin to burn in as little as 10 minutes of exposure!
Typical sunburn involves itching, redness, and peeling. Severe sunburns may also be accompanied by small blisters that may lead to infection. Symptoms of sun poisoning also tend to include nausea, fever, headache, and dizziness and may also be accompanied by fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance.
Precautions & Treatment
  • Get out of the sun.
  • Take a cool (not too cold) shower or bath or apply cold compresses.
  • Drink extra fluids for a few days.
  • Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain.
  • Use aloe gel or a moisturizer.
  • Completely cover sunburned areas when going outside.
Polymorphous light eruption, also known as polymorphic light eruption, is an itchy rash caused by sun exposure in people who have developed a sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitivity). The rash usually appears as red, tiny bumps or slightly raised patches of skin.
Polymorphic light eruption (PMLE) is the second most common sun-related skin problem seen by doctors, after common sunburn.It is not the same as sunburn. PMLE is not harmful, but can be itchy and embarrassing. PMLE often occurs in spring or on a sunny holiday, when the skin is not used to sunshine.
Treatment of polymorphous light eruption usually isn’t necessary because the rash typically goes away on its own within 10 days. If your symptoms are severe, your doctor may prescribe anti-itch medicine.
Your doctor may suggest phototherapy to prevent seasonal episodes of polymorphous light eruption in people who have experienced disabling signs and symptoms. Phototherapy exposes your skin to small doses of UVA or UVB light, which helps your skin be less sensitive to light.
Another common type of the skin rash common in the summer called miliaria is sometimes referred to as prickly heat, or a heat rash, or a sweat rash. Miliaria occurs in some people when they sweat a lot. It can be very itchy. It is due to a blockage of the sweat ducts which causes sweat to seep into the skin cells. The main treatment is to keep cool as much as possible.It is not usually serious, but it can be itchy and uncomfortable.
Prickly heat (miliaria) can develop inanyone at any age. However, it is most common in children and babies, as their immature sweat glands are more prone to becoming blocked.
  • If possible, avoid heat and humidity.
  • Avoid further sweating. Even if this is possible for just a few hours each day, it can make a big difference. A cool bath or shower can also be soothing and help to avoid sweating.
  • Simple creams like calamine lotion may cool and soothe the skin.
  • Wear loose cotton clothing or clothing that has breathable fabric.
  • Using an antibacterial soap or antiseptic wash may help to keep the number of germs (bacteria) on your skin down.
  • A steroid cream may soothe the irritation whilst you are waiting for the condition to clear. A mild steroid cream such as hydrocortisone 1% work by reducing inflammation. You should not use it on your face. Follow the instructions and use it sparingly.
If you feel generally unwell, you may be developing heat exhaustion or heat stroke. If this occurs, seek medical attention.
Make sure you drink plenty of water and wear sun protection ( minimum of 30 SPF) not just in summer but all round the year.
Get the best Consultant  from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.
Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001


When we think of skin hydration, the first thing that comes to mind is drinking water. Of course drinking water has its importance which cannot be denied because water forms about 60% of our body and if not enough, our body’s systems tend to slow down or at least not function to their maximum efficiency.

But, to say that just by drinking water, we would be able to ensure a healthy supple skin throughout would be an exaggerated statement at the very least. This is because the body needs only so much water to sustain and anything above that is treated as waste. Secondly, as we age our body slows down its processes due to the wear and tear accumulated over ages- a thing which is natural and totally involuntary.

Now, the second reason is the major cause behind why just drinking water will not be enough for maintaining a good skin health and an external simulator would be required.

With advancing age the concentration of collagen and elastic fibers decreases due to which the repair process of connective tissue decreases, especially the hydration part. The concentration of Hyaluronic acid decreases with aging as a result of which elasticity and the ability to hold water in the skin decreases. Irrespective of taking copious amounts of water sufficiently, it is not adequately retained by the skin.

Therefore there is decrease in volume of the dermal layer and the tendency for wrinkling and laxity increases.Moreover, there is continuous ultraviolet radiation exposure which further decreases the dermal Hyaluronic Acid.

Thus intra dermal injection of Hyaluronic Acid plays an important role as a dermal reservoir of hydration by drawing water into extracellular matrix causing hydration in dermis and improvement of skin.It also causes collagen production due to multiple pricks.

Hope this cleared your myth about how one can achieve a glowing skin just by drinking water!


Get the best Consultant  from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.
Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001
Dr chytra v anand

Neck Region Treatment

Long slender necks have always been a rage. Be it the extreme trends of the giraffe women who wore neck-pieces to elongate their necks or the multiple exercises to remove the double chin and slender up the neck, the desire to have the allegedly perfect neck has always been in existence.
Now, not all of us are lucky enough to have such necks naturally. While for some the double chin is a default facial structure, for others the fat around the shoulders is enough to make the neck look short. Both of these factors are the major contributors for most of us not having out perfect necks.

At Kosmoderma, we understand these concerns and hence have over time developed procedures to solve this issue. Enlisting a few below:

●  Kosmosculpt: A fat removal procedure which not just removes the stubborn fat pockets but also tightens up the tissues to give the desired body contour.
●  Ultherapy: A tissue tightening and rejuvenation procedure which tightens up the loose skin in the target areas in order to contour them.
●  HiFu: Similar to ultherapy but done with a different machine, the underlying principle, however, remains the same.
●  Thread Lifts: Depending on the requirements, threads are inserted into the areas to lift up the muscles in order to contour the shape.
●  Face Lifts: A broader domain which includes thread lifts as well. Face-lifts can be done both surgically and non surgically by either usage of lasers or radio frequencies or by making incisions to lift up the muscles and removing excess skin and fat.
Other than the aforementioned, procedures are in place for removal of fine lines or wrinkles that occur in the neck region.
The most important thing here as well- make sure you know your cosmetologist well and they know and understand all your medical concerns. Also, make sure that your expectations are not unrealistic or you might have to face disappointment.
Get the best Consultant  from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.
Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001

Key things you need to know about Micro ageing

Here’s some news young ladies. Just because you are in your 20’s does not mean your skin is safe from the ravages of time.While it may not be visible, by the time you hit your 25th year your skin’s natural aging process gets takes on little speed. The signs of decline start to show up there after. This is called micro-ageing.

Micro Ageing

What happens in micro-ageing?

Micro-ageing is when you start to notice the first signs of ageing when the skin starts to thin, and gets drier. The collagen structure starts to weaken and there is water loss from the skin’s surface. You also start noticing our pores — that is they get enlarged. In fact, you find your skin acting up. It may even experience a see saw effect — getting dry on some days and getting oily on others. Skin also starts to lose its natural lustre.

Why does this happen?

Our mothers had it better. Their skin was definitely showed signs of aging much later than what we do today. That was because of the cleaner, less polluted and less stressed lifestyle they led. Our skin is exposed to more skin stressors than their generation. Whether it is pollution, smoke, alcohol, UV rays, the exposure is as bad as it can get. These impact the skin on two levels — first weakens the skin’s natural barrier, and second starts depleting the collagen structure.

How do you deal with micro-ageing?

Your main goal should be preserve and protect your skin. You have to ensure that your skin is never dehydrated. The natural building blocks which are supported by essential fatty acid are sustained with the right care.

  1. Keep your skin healthy by taking in fruits and vegetables along with foods that have essential fatty acids like ghee, nuts, fish, and healthy oils.
  2. Keep skin hydrated at all times. Drink enough water and use moisturizing products on your skin.
  3. Creamy cleansers should be your first step to keep the skin clean. It should be non-drying. A good cleanser will never leave your skin feeling taut after washing off.
  4. Avoid a toner, instead use a serum. Serums have higher concentration of skin saving actives. Use a vitamin C infused product to fight sun damage on the skin.
  5. Use a moisturizer without fail. If your skin is oily, then use a gel-based moisturizer to maintain the hydration barrier.
  6. Sunscreen is a must over your moisturizer. You can also use a sunscreen-based moisturizer.
  7. Use a gentle scrub once a week to remove the skin-dulling dead skin layer.
  8. You can also opt for a weekly hydrating mask to tone up the skin, and minimize enlarged pores.
  9. Night time moisturization is a must too. At night your skin actually repairs itself, so help with that by using moisturizer with cell rejuvenators.



Get the best Consultant from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.


Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001

Hair Loss Treatment

If you’ve noticed that your hair is getting progressively thinner, ignoring the issue is by far the worst action you can take. While some hair loss problems can resolve themselves, some will simply get worse as time goes on.

Hair Loss
Many people suffer from hair loss due to various factors like:
  1. Stress
  2. Prolonged illness
  3. Nutritional deficiency (Crash diets that lack sufficient protein, Iron and Vitamins)
  4. Hormonal imbalance – thyroid gland problems (either overactive or under active)
  5. Chemical and Physical stress to the hair shaft from Hair Coloring, Perming, Permanent
  6. straightening or lengthening
  7. Severe emotional Stress
  8. Infection of the scalp – Fungal infections and Medications.
We offer personalized hair care and treatments based on your genetic profile and hair structure. 
Treatments like Low level Laser therapy, Dermaoller, Growth factor Scalp Infusions and /or Hair Transplant will be recommended along with Hair Serum and Nutritional supplements.
Get the best Consultant for Hair Loss Treatment  from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.
Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001

Get Rid Of Wrinkles Permanently

Facial wrinkles can range from fine lines to deep creases and folds and can appear anywhere on your face.
UV light contributes to this phenomenon by breaking down the elastin and collagen in your skin, causing your skin to become weaker and droop.
Of course, sun damage, poor nutrition, dehydration, smoking, and other factors can increase your chance of getting wrinkles or make the wrinkles you have, worse..

1. Get Enough Sleep:

You’ve heard the phrase “beauty sleep” before. Turns out, it’s a real thing. Studies have shown that women who get less sleep have more wrinkles. In fact, women who slept only five hours per night had twice the wrinkles of those who slept seven or more hours.

2. Add Your Omega-3s:

Omega 3 fatty acids — the kind found in oily fish like salmon and mackerel — are fantastic for preventing wrinkles.
Adding Omega 3s to your diet is also one of the easiest — and most delicious — ways to prevent lines and wrinkles from forming.

3. Use Facial Oils:

Dry, irritated skin succumbs to wrinkles and fine lines faster than well-moisturized skin. Make sure your skin has the moisture it needs to remain smooth, radiant, and youthful by adding facial oils to your daily skin-care regimen.
One of the best ways to get rid of wrinkles on your face, facial oils have been used for centuries by women who wished to remain younger-looking, longer.
To try this solution, reach for a high-quality facial oil that features pure, botanical ingredients, like Teami Blends Teami Soothe Facial Oil.

4. Get Your Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is essential for smooth, wrinkle-free skin. Vitamin C fights free radicals that attack skin, causing premature aging and even protects against sun damage from UV rays.
Vitamin C is found in high amounts in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, and also in broccoli, strawberries, kiwis, cauliflower, and tomatoes.

5. Apply Retinoids:

One of the best ways to get rid of wrinkles on your face, especially if you have stubborn furrows, is to apply retinoids, a derivative of vitamin A.
Retinoids increase your skin’s thickness and its ability to spring back into shape, as well as slowing the breakdown of collagen. Importantly, they work on the deepest layer of skin, where stubborn wrinkles often get their start.
You only need a small, pea-sized amount, and you should start with an every-other-night regimen until your skin is accustomed to it. You’ll need to wear sunscreen faithfully, as retinoids can increase sun sensitivity.

6. Try Lemon Juice:

You already know that vitamin C is an important wrinkle-fighter. Harness even more of its power with a simple, do-it-yourself home treatment.
Slice a room-temperature, organic lemon and place the slices on wrinkle-prone areas for 10 minutes. Gently massage the juice in at the end of that time, then rinse lightly and finish with a moisturizer of your choice.
The acid in the lemons will lighten your skin and reduce fine lines, while the vitamin C will encourage an increase of collagen production.

7. Don’t Stress:

Did you know that stress really can age you? Studies show that stress can contribute to premature skin aging like wrinkles, fine lines, and spots.
To keep stress at bay, employ some simple stress-relief rituals into your life. Try meditation, yoga, or mindful breathing. Add exercise to your day to burn off nervous energy.
Indulge in some essential oils that are known for their calmative effects — lavender and vanilla are two of the most popular — and add them to your pulse points, your facial oil, your pillow, or your bath.

8. Put Egg on Your Face:

Egg whites, that is. A simple, homemade masque of beaten egg whites can firm and tone skin in just minutes.
Egg whites contain vitamin A and more than 69 proteins that can help nourish your skin. To do, beat organic egg whites until frothy, then gently pat onto face. Leave for 30 minutes and then gently rinse with warm water.
Although this remedy is effective for a night out, the results are temporary, so you’ll want to supplement this technique with other, more lasting, methods to keep your skin looking its best from day to day.

9. Tone, Tone, Tone:

A good toner can keep impurities from building up on your face, hydrate your skin, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
A simple homemade toner of rosewater and lemon juice can give your skin the radiance and glow you crave. Rosewater is hydrating, and lemon juice has just the right amount of citric acid and vitamin C to help gently encourage cell turnover.
Simply mix a cup of rosewater with the juice of two lemons. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and dab onto face gently. Let sit for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.

10. Consult a Skin Care Specialist:

If you’re dealing with tough wrinkles or other skin aging issues, it might be useful to seek the help of a skin care professional.
Dermatologists are specialists in helping to prevent skin aging and can help you determine the right regimen for your individual needs and skin type. They can help you determine the best way to get rid of wrinkles on your face that suits your lifestyle and budget.
A good dermatologist will assess your skin’s condition and discuss your concerns and goals before recommending an anti-aging regimen to help reverse, or prevent, further aging of your skin.

Get the best Consultant for Cosmetic Surgery from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.
Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001
Dr chytra v anand

Cosmetic Surgery in Bangalore – Dr Chytra V Anand

Cosmetic surgery is a unique discipline of medicine focused on enhancing appearance through surgical and medical techniques. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck and body. Because treated areas function properly but lack aesthetic appeal, cosmetic surgery is elective.
Dr Chytra V Anand is an internationally renowned Celebrity Cosmetic Dermatologist.
She is the Founder & CEO of the well-known chain of Kosmoderma Skin & Hair Clinics.
A team of highly qualified and trained doctors and USFDA & European CE approved equipment ensure that you always have a safe and reliable experience at Kosmoderma Clinics.
Benefits of Plastic Surgery
· Increased Self-Confidence. When you look good, you feel good. …
· Improved Physical Health. Some plastic surgery procedures can improve your physical health as well as your looks. …
· Enhanced Mental Health. Mental health benefits can be gained from plastic surgery procedures as well. …
· More Opportunities. …
· Extra Weight Stays Off.
The scope of cosmetic surgery procedures includes:
· Breast Enhancement: Augmentation, Lift, Reduction.
· Facial Contouring: Rhinoplasty, Chin, or Cheek Enhancement.
· Facial Rejuvenation: Facelift, Eyelid Lift, Neck Lift, Brow Lift.
· Body Contouring: Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Gynecomastia Treatment.
Cosmetic surgery – Statistics & Facts. Cosmetic surgery, also known as aesthetic surgery, is an elective operation that involves improving a person’s appearance. Such operations include liposuctionbreast augmentationrhinoplastyblepharoplasty or eyelid surgery, and rhytidectomy, also known as a face lift.
Get the best Consultant for Cosmetic Surgery from Dr Chytra V Anand from Bangalore.
Address: 67/2, Lavelle Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001